cEDH is a metagame & mindset where:

  1. All strategies are accepted.

  2. Decks majorly affect the game as early as Turn 1.

  3. Players only make plays that help them win.

  4. Proxies are encouraged.

cEDH is a growing global format.

The tournament scene is growing across the world, and meta games shift as new cards and strategies emerge.

cEDH is Commander, but with the most powerful cards & strategies.

No lengthy pregame conversation necessary. Just shuffle up, play to win, and have fun!

A longer explanation:

Example games:

Want to learn more and start playing?

  1. Browse decklists for intriguing and proven strategies.

  2. Watch videos for stack wars, combat steps, and combos.

  3. Play cEDH games in-person and online in casual and organized events.

Thank you to CapturedbyCalT for our website photos!